Living Christ's Aloha

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Our Stewardship Opportunities

Sharing our time, talent, and treasure is what the Christian life is about. Here are a few of the many opportunities to be a Steward of Christ at Christ Lutheran Church.

Volunteer as an Assisting Minister

An Assisting Minister is responsible for leading various prayers, assisting the presiding minister with communion, and dismissing the congregation at the end of the service.

Volunteer as a Lector

The Lector speaks God’s Word to the congregation by reading the scripture lessons of the day.

Volunteer for the Audio-Visual/Sound System

Members of the AV/Sound System team use their computer skills to operate the audio/visual presentation of the worship service.  They run the 10am In-Person/Zoom worship and monitor the sound board for volume and quality. 

Volunteer on the Altar Guild Team

Members of the Altar Guild share responsibilities for the preparation of communion and the care of the sanctuary.  They also do some fantastic cleaning and are a lot of fun to be with.

Volunteer on the Lawn Team

The Lawn Guyz and Galz meet every Saturday to cut the grass, weed-whack, and generally clean the church campus up, getting it ready for Sunday morning.  Occasionally, they fix things that need fixing.  And they always break for coffee at 10, to discuss the meaning of life!


At Christ Lutheran Church, we never lose sight of what drives our efforts: Dedicated people who are ready to share Christ’s love and aloha. Our volunteers come from all walks of life, and put their individual experience and expertise to work here in Hawaii.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple. We want to make a difference.

Each Living Christ's Aloha

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